Project 64 emulator mouse
Project 64 emulator mouse

project 64 emulator mouse

project 64 emulator mouse project 64 emulator mouse

A and B are right and left click, respectively. "import " to the code if you are using Processing 1.1 N64_Controller_mouse This is the same as N64_Controller, except that the analog stick controls your mouse, not the arrow keys. You might need to change the line String portName = Serial.list() to match the your Arduino, it should be either Serial.list() Serial.list() or Serial.list() EDIT: Add This is a Processing 1.0 project that takes the data transmitted by the Arduino and converts it into keyboard presses that you can map to an emulator like Project 64. It is easy enough to modify, for example, you could use the methods from this file to query a controller and use the data to run an Arduino robot instead of transmitting it back to the computer.

#Project 64 emulator mouse serial#

It simply queries the N64 controller for data on the buttons and Analog stick and sends it back to the computer over the serial port. This PDE file should upload to your Arduino and run without a hitch if you have everything connected properly. The N64_Arduino file needs to be compiled in the Arduino IDE, and the N64_Controller runs in Processing 1.0. The two Zip files below contain the code needed to run the Arduino and then to interpret the data it sends to the computer. This code was written by me, with parts of the N64_Arduino file based on assembly code written by Andrew Brown.

Project 64 emulator mouse